Sunday, September 20, 2009

It's Official - We're Certified!!

Weaverville is now a National Wildlife Federation Certified Community Wildlife Habitat! We are the 33rd community to be certified and the second in North Carolina.

As of this posting, we have certified 63 individual homes, 10 properties in the businesses/commons category, and one school. We were required to achieve 250 points and, perhaps in a bit of over-achievement, accumulated 422.

We are working to schedule a certification ceremony, probably in early November. Thanks to all who have made this possible!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Habitat Team Gets Mayor's Community Service Award

At the Arbor Day ceremony on May 17th, Weaverville Wildlife Habitat was awarded the Community Service Award by Mayor Bett Stroud, who cited the group's contributions to making Weaverville a better place for both people and wildlife to live. Accepting the award for the group was Dr. Alicia Hulse, Habitat Team Leader. Families in attendance went home with a native butterfly perennial, compliments of the Habitat Team.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Spring Happenings!

It's probably safe to say that spring has finally arrived! While gardeners have been busy over the winter plotting spring gardens, Weaverville Wildlife Habitat has also been busy. We now have certified 51 homes - and more certifications will be announced shortly.

We will also be participating in two upcoming events. We will have a table with informational materials at the grand opening of the Weaverville Tailgate Market at Lake Louise (May 6th - 2:30 to 6:30 PM). We will also be on hand for the Arbor Day Celebration at Lake Louise (May 17th - starting at 3 PM). We have a new banner with our official logo, so you can't miss us!!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Main Street Nature Park Certified!!

We're pleased to announce that 2009 is starting out with a very important event - the certification of Main Street Nature Park as our newest Habitat in the "commons" category. This category includes our Town-owned lands, as well as other properties where land is held in common by an organization, business, or group of individuals.

The application emphasized the efforts made to remove exotic invasive plants and replace them with native species to augment the already abundant growth of native food and cover plants. Weaverville Wildlife Habitat salutes the efforts of the Town of Weaverville to develop this park and the time contributed by several individuals and groups - most notably the Weaverville maintenance crews, landscape architect Randy Burroughs, Weaverville Garden Club, Weaverville Tree Board and (more recently) members of the Habitat Team.