Monday, July 14, 2008

Weaverville Garden Tour a Bloomin' Success!!!

July 12th was a busy day for the Wildlife Habitat Team! Lots of folks from Weaverville and the greater Asheville area took advantage of the opportunity to visit Certified Wildlife Habitats in the morning, and learn about Gardening for Wildlife in the afternoon. Probably the most important take-home message of the day was that you can have beautiful landscapes that are welcoming to both wildlife and people! The Habitat Team thanks all the property owners who worked very hard to groom their gardens in preparation for this event!

Now, if you want to get started with planting some great perennials for butterflies, we understand that Reems Creek Garden Center just got in a shipment of butterflyweed. This is a great plant and one of our favorities (we even put it on our logo!) - and not always easy to find.